by michaeltroina | Apr 30, 2021 | Blog, Leadership, Michael Troina
No person ever wants to find themselves in a crisis. Whether it be at home, at a job, in a team or club, or a business, crises are never fun places to be in. They are hectic, stress-inducing, and can be extremely detrimental to the success of a team or project. In...
by michaeltroina | Jul 29, 2020 | Blog, Leadership, Michael Troina
When one teammate hurts, the whole team suffers, especially when the injury is passed down from the leader of the bunch. And as our country continues to suffer from the uncertainties of the pandemic’s coronavirus, many leaders find themselves ill-equipped to...
by michaeltroina | Jun 29, 2020 | Blog, Leadership, Michael Troina
The question of what makes a good leader is a topic that still has no clear-cut answer. The truth is that every great leader has a particular leadership style, so what works well for one leader does not always work for others. That being said, no matter what an...
by michaeltroina | May 28, 2020 | Blog, Leadership, Michael Troina
Think about all the great leaders that have influenced countless people in our lives. Nelson Mandela, Elon Musk, Martin Luther King Jr, Steve Jobs. All of these leaders have seen unprecedented success. What you may not know about these leaders are all the obstacles...